"i have never known peace
like the damp grass that yields to me,

art by @mafumafuriah

I have never known hunger
like these insects that feast on me"

Baidur of the Qestir

Crystal DC - Balmung

Full Name: Baidur of the Qestir, exiled
Aliases/Nicknames: Messiah, "Coriander"
Race: Xaela Au ra
Age: Late 30s-early 40s
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Asexual
Relationship Status: In a polyamorous relationship with Cecilia Nadir and Reinette Sompt
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 250lbs, athletic
Hair: Midnight
Eyes: Ivory with luminescent aqua limbral rings and black sclera
Noticeable Marks: White paint across his face in an 'X' and runes marked all over his body
Accessories: Always wearing simple rings, a bone tooth necklace, and a chain around his temples
Occupation: Traveling exorcist and healer


From name alone, Baidur reigns from the Azim Steppe of the Qestir tribe, openly mentioning his exile from his homeland. Despite recently having found his voice during the aftermath of an expedition called Salemtaza's Voyage, he still prefers "speaking" via Eorzean sign language of Ul'dahn dialect, especially around strangers. His time in Eorzea has been recent, within the past six turns, during which he's been offering his services as a healer and voidsent dispeller to those in need at the affordable cost of zero gil.Otherwise, Baidur's past is kept closely to him, often avoiding subjects about himself and in turn taking the opportunity to learn about those around him instead. He's a humble and patient man, albeit having a timid demeanor with his constant avoidance of eye contact and physical touch, alongside remaining absent from crowds or large gatherings. With that, he's charitable and promises his want to helping in any way he can.Baidur won't be often found in city-states and if he is, it's primarily Ul'dah's Ossuary or Old Sharlayan's Noumenon, where he takes refuge within the various tomes offered at either location. He's constantly on the move and can be seen traveling on the roads.

RP Hooks

Accessible Starters

† Unusual Aether - Anyone with aethersense can feel that Baidur exudes powerful energy, though a keen eye can see his aether is fractured albeit mere hairlines of breakage.† Traveling Healer - Never seen without a mage's staff, Baidur offers his healing services at any capacity. Whether it be cleansing magicks or handmade poultices and salves, he's always happy to assist.† Voidsent Hunting, Exorcisms, Rituals, oh my! - Baidur's always on the hunt for voidsent. Dark and evil energies can't escape his perception, and he will do whatever it takes to permanently eradicate them.† Spiritual - Shamans, exorcists, even select priests of their chosen religion, Baidur has connections with them. While he doesn't appear to be keen on any specific worship, he seeks to extend his knowledge and resources by being in contact.† Exiled from the Steppe - He openly mentions of his exile but doesn't speak of the details. How strange.† Crescent Eminence - Did the hound bark?

Out of Character

Hi! my name is Ciid (they/them) and I'm in my late 20's, I've been roleplaying for over 15 years, and I love taking screenshots. Please check out my preferences:- Sorry, 21+ only!- IC =/= OOC. I am not my characters! Please whisper/DM/send me a tell if my character ever makes you uncomfortable and we'll work something out.- Please don't be afraid of communicating with me OOC first. I highly appreciate the communication and ironing things out, or even just headcanoning!- I'm LGBTQIA+ friendly and would rather not interact with anyone who speaks poorly of those groups.- I'm completely cool with lore-bending but I tend to lean towards being lore-friendly.- While I do have my discord posted elsewhere, I don't tend to add people randomly or right away.- Sorry, I don't ERP on this character! I also don't go near any non-consensual or death RP either with this character. Dark/mature themes are OK.Please don't be afraid to ask me about anything! If you're interested in an art commission, check out my commissions carrd.